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Thank you for your interest in our services.  The following information will be of much value to you, in guiding you through the journey that lies ahead. 


Please take note that this practice is contracted out of medical aids and we do not charge medical aid rates.  You will be liable for full upfront payment and it will be your responsibility to claim all payments back from your medical aid.  We will send you a quotation which you can use when confirming with your medical aid which portion of the account they will refund according to your plan.


Antenatal Consultation : R650

Labour and Birth: R 10,500

Postnatal Consultation: R750


(An extra R1,500 when delivering at Parklane)


The fees for the birth and two postnatal consultations must be paid in advance, in two installments, as follows.

·         1st installment - R6,000-00 at 28 weeks

·         2nd installment - R6,000-00 at 32 weeks


 You need to obtain authorization numbers for the following services:

·   Genesis Clinic for the stay in the clinic (practice number 0344745).

Please note that the Clinic stay will be billed separately from the costs of the Midwife

·   Ester Naude’ Midwifery Services for the Midwife assistance (practice number 0619159).


Also take note of the following cost:

·  Birth Unit fees which you should obtain from Genesis Clinic.

·  Doctor’s fee for visits and in the case of an emergency. 

·  Fees of an anaesthetist, paediatrician, and laboratory.

·  A 4D scan, non-compulsory. The best time for this non-diagnostic scan is between 28 and 32 weeks.


Please contact Maryke  ​

083 382 4742 .



I am able to assist second-time moms who had an uncomplicated natural birth during their first pregnancy and have a low-risk second pregnancy.  Regretable, I am unable to assist with VBAC's (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) or twin pregnancies at home.


- Homebirth rates - R14 500


Renting of birthing baths is the client's responsibility but I will be able to direct you to the right place.




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